DHGA Student Code of Conduct & Parent Information

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Downe House Global Academy Student Code of Conduct & Parent Information


Students of the DHGA must: 

·      Attend all live lessons and keep absences to a minimum. We expect at least 80% attendance on a 10-week course, although this may affect their overall performance.

·      Comply with all directions provided by DHGA teachers and associate staff members. 

·      Attend and participate in the required DHGA lessons and sessions that take place online. 

·      Engage fully and actively in lessons asking questions, responding to teachers’ questions and responding to others.

·      Attend all lessons from beginning to end, joining the lesson three minutes before the start time. 

·      Contact the relevant teachers and DHGA Administration Manager at least two days in advance to request for leave via appropriate technology platform. 

·   Ensure that they have access to the proper DHGA platform and technology required to attend online classes, complete work offline and notify teachers and DHGA staff. 

·      Be organised for the lesson, e.g. have the correct equipment ready before the lesson begins. 

·     Use a working and reliable laptop (or device) to access the lesson, checking that the chosen device is fully charged before the beginning of the lesson or connected to an electrical socket. 

·      Complete all assignments as directed by DHGA teachers.  

· Regularly monitor DHGA platform to remain updated on developments, tasks, lessons, and communication. 

·      Not engage in disruptive behaviour when participating in DHGA lessons, e.g. excessive background noise, disturbance from family members or noise from other forms of technology, e.g. mobile phone or television. 

·   Log off the DHGA platform after use, especially being mindful to turn off any video or voice recording capacity. 

·      Only use approved DHGA platforms to communicate with teachers and DHGA staff. 


When participating in DHGA classes through video, students must:  

a.       Have their name in English on their account.

b.       Always have their cameras on unless instructed otherwise by the teacher. 

c.       Be properly clothed in smart casual clothing.   

d.     Be in a formal and quiet location where possible (e.g. students should be seated at a desk, not lying on their bed), way from pets, family members and/or friends.

e.       Ensure that there is no inappropriate background or material present in the video.

f.     Use, if possible, an appropriate digital background/effect to minimise the risk of any other person’s image being transmitted.


All students must not engage in the following behaviours:  

· Any form of cyberbullying, harassment, discrimination or vilification using any DHGA platform or technology.

·      Use of DHGA platforms and technology to access or distribute inappropriate or graphic material. 

·      Use of social media on any DHGA platform or technology. 

·   Use of DHGA platforms or technology for personal socialisation with other students, including the organisation of social events. 

·  Engage in any form of disrespectful texting, image-based abuse or inappropriate behaviour using any DHGA Platform or Technology.   

·      Use any DHGA Platform or Technology for any act which could be a breach of law:   

a)      allow an individual not associated with the DHGA to access an account, including through sharing passwords. 

b)   share confidential links or access to any DHGA platform or technology (e.g. sharing a link to a DHGA online lesson). 

c)  record or take photos of any online communication, video, lesson or recording, including screenshots, unless permission has been granted by the DHGA.   

d)   use of any DHGA platform or technology that is not in accordance with the DHGA’s values or causes harm to another individual. 

e)      access a staff member or another student’s account.